
Stuffed Bell Peppers

For dinner tonight, I decided to make some stuffed bell peppers.


  • 16 oz. Ground Turkey
  • Bell Peppers
  • 1 egg
  • Chopped onion
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper (or any seasoning you like)
  • Spinach (optional)
  • Cheese (optional)
  • Steps
    Preheat oven to 325°f
    1. Cut the bell peppers in half and empty out the insides, you can choose to leave them whole if you prefer

    Boil the bell peppers until they are soft and then leave them out while you prepare the meat
    Mix the ground turkey with the egg
    1. Brown the turkey and egg mixture on the stove and mix in any seasonings you want

    1. Mix in the chopped tomatoes and onion into the turkey mixture for a bit, do not cook it in

    Put your bell peppers on a baking pan (I like to use a cake pan, so the peppers are tight and they won’t roll over)


    1. line the bottom of the pepper with spinach – I had extra spinach so I added it to this recipe

    1. Fill the peppers with the turkey

    Drizzle olive oil on top

Optional: Layer spinach on top

    Stick the peppers in the oven for about 10 minutes (the turkey is already cooked, so you don’t want to over cook it for too long)
    And now you are done 🙂 you can sprinkle some cheese on top for some more flavor

Shopping List

    Jennie O 16 oz. Ground Turkey – $4.00
    2 Bell Peppers – $3.00
    1 egg – $0.17 (part of a $2.00 dozen)
    1 onion – $0.60
    2 tomatoes – $1.60
    Olive Oil – $1.00

TOTAL: $10.37

In total, I spent less than $11.00 for a meal that can serve 2 people. I probably would have spent that much going to Whataburger or McDonalds, but my meal would not have been as healthy or as fun to prepare! 🙂

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